Election ontology

See also:

Table of Contents

  1. Classes
  2. Object Properties
  3. Data Properties
  4. Namespace Declarations


Boundary setc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/election/BoundarySet

is defined by
A boundary set defining UK Parliament constituency areas, as proposed in a boundary review by the Boundary Commissions and established by statute.
is in range of
In boundary setop

Candidacyc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/election/Candidacy

is defined by
A candidacy of a person standing in an election, for example: the candidacy of Philip Hammond standing as the Conservative Party candidate in Runnymede and Weybridge, at the 2015 general election.
is in domain of
As Commons Speakerdp, As independentdp, Candidate family namedp, Candidate given namedp, In electionop, Is of personop
is in range of
Certification ofop, Result of candidacyop

Candidacy resultc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/election/CandidacyResult

is defined by
The result of a candidacy in an election, for example: the winning candidacy of Philip Hammond as the Conservative Party candidate in Runnymede and Weybridge, at the 2015 general election.
has sub-classes
Winning candidacy resultc
is in domain of
Result of candidacyop, Result positiondp, Vote changedp, Vote countdp, Vote sharedp

Certificationc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/election/Certification

is defined by
A certification of a candidate by a political party to stand in an election on behalf of that party. A candidate may be certified by more than one party at one time, for example: by both the Labour party and the Co-operative Party.
is in domain of
Adjunct toop, Certification ofop, Issued byop
is in range of
Adjunct toop

Constituency areac back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/election/ConstituencyArea

is defined by
An area within which members of a constituency group are registered to vote. Constituency areas bounding constituency groups represented in the House of Commons are proposed in a boundary review by the Boundary Commissions and established by statute.
is in range of
Bounded byop

Constituency groupc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/election/ConstituencyGroup

is defined by
A group of people represented by an election winner.
is in domain of
Bounded byop, Forms part of constituency group setop
is in range of
For constituency groupop

Constituency group setc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/election/ConstituencyGroupSet

is defined by
A set of constituency groups, established by statute.
is in domain of
Constituency group set in countryop, Established byop
is in range of
Forms part of constituency group setop

Countryc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/election/Country

is defined by
A country, for example: Great Britain, England and Wales, Scotland, Ireland or Northern Ireland.
is in range of
Constituency group set in countryop, Registration inop

Electionc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/election/Election

is defined by
An election to elect a person or persons to a seat or position.
is in domain of
Declaration timedp, Election polling ondp, For constituency groupop, Forms part of general electionop, Has electorateop, Into Parliament periodop, Invalid vote countdp, Majoritydp, Result summarydp, Rounddp, Valid vote countdp, Writ issued ondp
is in range of
In electionop

Electoratec back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/election/Electorate

is defined by
A group of people eligible to vote in an election called at a particular time, for example: the group of people eligible to vote in an election to the House of Commons, or members of the House of Commons voting for their Speaker.
is in domain of
Recorded ondp, Recorded sizedp
is in range of
Has electorateop

General electionc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/election/GeneralElection

is defined by
A set of elections to the House of Commons, held concurrently in all constituencies.
is in domain of
For Parliament periodop, General election polling ondp, Is notionaldp
is in range of
For general electionop, Forms part of general electionop

General election in boundary setc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/election/GeneralElectionInBoundarySet

is defined by
Provides a means to describe the ordinality of a general election in a boundary set, for example: the 2010 general election being the first general election to take place in the England boundary set established in April 2010 and the second general election to take place in the Scotland boundary set established in April 2005.
is in domain of
For general electionop, In boundary setop, Ordinalitydp

Parliament periodc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/election/ParliamentPeriod

is defined by
The time period of a single Parliament between the date of its first assembly after a general election and its dissolution. A Parliament period contains contiguous session and prorogation periods. During a parliament period Parliament is either in session or prorogued. The start date of a Parliament may be changed by subsequent proclamations. A Parliament ends at the next dissolution. While the Fixed-term Parliaments Act 2011 was in force, the date of dissolution was determined by that Act or was named in a proclamation following a vote in Parliament for an early general election. The next Parliament began on the date named in the proclamation issued following a dissolution. Before the Fixed-term Parliaments Act 2011 came into force and after that Act was repealed by the Dissolution and Calling of Parliament Act 2022, the date of dissolution is fixed by proclamation. The dissolution proclamation also names the date for Parliament to reassemble. Parliament periods are the same across both Houses. Parliaments are numbered ordinally from the first Parliament of the United Kingdom, sitting in 1801.
is in range of
For Parliament periodop, Into Parliament periodop

Personc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/election/Person

is defined by
A person.
is in range of
Is of personop

Political partyc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/election/PoliticalParty

is defined by
An organisation registered by the Electoral Commission as a political party.
is in range of
Issued byop, Registration ofop

Political party registrationc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/election/PoliticalPartyRegistration

is defined by
The registration of a political party in a country by the Electoral Commission.
is in domain of
Registered primary name last updated ondp, Registration IDdp, Registration inop, Registration ofop

Statutory thingc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/election/StatutoryThing

is defined by
A statutory thing, for example: an Act of Parliament or a made statutory instrument.
is in range of
Established byop

Winning candidacy resultc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/election/WinningCandidacyResult

is defined by
Used to record the winning candidacy in an election.
has super-classes
Candidacy resultc

Object Properties

Adjunct toop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/election/adjunctTo

is defined by
Relates a certification of a candidacy to another certification of the same candidacy to which the first certification is adjunct, for example: relating a Co-operative Party certification to a certification by the Labour party.
has domain
has range

Bounded byop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/election/boundedBy

is defined by
Relates a constituency group to a geographic area. Some historical constituency groups had no defined geographical extent, for example: Oxford University. Since 1950, constituency groups represented in the House of Commons are within a constituency area. A new boundary set results in the creation of both a new constituency area and a new constituency group. A constituency group is bounded by one constituency area, or none. A constituency area bounds one constituency group.

Certification ofop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/election/certificationOf

is defined by
Relates a certification by a political party to the candidacy being certified. A certification is of one candidacy. A candidacy has one or more certifications, or none.
has domain
has range

Constituency group set in countryop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/election/constituencyGroupSetInCountry

is defined by
Relates a constituency group set to its country. A constituency group set is in one country. A country may have one or more constituency group sets over time.
has domain
Constituency group setc
has range

Established byop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/election/establishedBy

is defined by
Relates a constituency group set to the statutory thing establishing that set. A constituency group set is established by one or more statutory things.

For constituency groupop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/election/forConstituencyGroup

is defined by
Relates an election to the constituency group represented by the winner of that election. An election is always for one constituency group.
has domain
has range
Constituency groupc

For general electionop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/election/forGeneralElection

is defined by
Relates a general election having ordinality in a boundary set to the general election having that ordinality.

For Parliament periodop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/election/forParliamentPeriod

is defined by
Relates a general election to the Parliament period for which the general election is called. A general election is related to one Parliament period.

Forms part of constituency group setop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/election/formsPartOfConstituencyGroupSet

is defined by
Relates a constituency group to the constituency group set of which it forms part. A constituency group forms part of one constituency group set.

Forms part of general electionop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/election/formsPartOfGeneralElection

is defined by
Relates a constituency election held as part of a general election to that general election. A constituency election is related to one general election, or none in the case of a by-election.
has domain
has range
General electionc

Has electorateop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/election/hasElectorate

is defined by
Relates an election to the group of people eligible to vote in that election. An election has one electorate. The same group of people forming an electorate may be eligible to vote in one or more elections over time, or none.
has domain
has range

In boundary setop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/election/inBoundarySet

is defined by
Relates a boundary set having general election ordinality to the boundary set.

In electionop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/election/inElection

is defined by
Relates a candidacy to the election that candidacy is in. A candidacy is in one election.
has domain
has range

Into Parliament periodop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/election/intoParliamentPeriod

is defined by
Relates an election to the House of Commons to the Parliament period within which any resulting incumbency takes place. An election to the House of Commons is related to one Parliament period.
has domain
has range
Parliament periodc

Is of personop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/election/isOfPerson

is defined by
Relates a candidacy to a person being a candidate. A candidacy is of one recorded person, or none.
has domain
has range

Issued byop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/election/issuedBy

is defined by
Relates a certification of a candidacy to the political party issuing that certification. A certification is issued by one political party.
has domain
has range
Political partyc

Registration inop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/election/registrationIn

is defined by
Relates a political party registration to the country the registration is in. A political party registration is in one country.

Registration ofop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/election/registrationOf

is defined by
Relates a political party registration to the political party being registered. A political party registration is of one political party. A political party may have one or more political party registrations over time and in different countries.

Result of candidacyop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/election/resultOfCandidacy

is defined by
Relates a candidacy result to its candidacy. A candidacy result is for one candidacy. A candidacy has one candidacy result.
has domain
Candidacy resultc
has range

Data Properties

As Commons Speakerdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/election/asCommonsSpeaker

is defined by
Used to record if the candidacy is of the House of Commons Speaker standing for re-election to the House of Commons.
has domain
has range

As independentdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/election/asIndependent

is defined by
Used to record if the candidacy is of a person standing as an independent, not being certified by any political party.
has domain
has range

Candidate family namedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/election/candidateFamilyName

is defined by
The family name of the candidate as it appears on the ballot, for example: 'Smith' in 'John Smith'.
has domain
has range
lang string

Candidate given namedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/election/candidateGivenName

is defined by
The given name of the candidate as it appears on the ballot, for example: 'John' in 'John Smith'.
has domain
has range
lang string

Declaration timedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/election/declarationTime

is defined by
The date and time at which results were declared for an election, for example: the date and time of the declaration of the results in a constituency election, by the Returning Officer.
has domain
has range
date time

Election polling ondp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/election/electionPollingOn

is defined by
The date on which polling takes place for an election.
has domain
has range

General election polling ondp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/election/generalElectionPollingOn

is defined by
The date on which polling takes place for all elections forming part of a general election.
has domain
General electionc
has range

Invalid vote countdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/election/invalidVoteCount

is defined by
The number of invalid votes - also called spoiled ballots - cast by an electorate in an election, for example: ballots on which votes are given for more candidates than the voter is entitled to vote for, ballots on which anything is written or marked by which the voter can be identified, or ballots which are unmarked or where a mark does not sufficiently identify the vote. The number of invalid votes may be included in a calculation of turnout. Turnout as calculated by the House of Commons Library - and generally in academic usage - is the total number of valid votes cast, divided by the size of the electorate. Turnout as calculated by a Returning Officer is the total number of votes cast, divided by the size of the electorate.
has domain
has range

Is notionaldp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/election/isNotional

is defined by
Used to record if the results of a general election are notional. When a general election is contested on a new boundary set or boundary sets, notional results are calculated for the changed constituencies. Notional results are calculated as if the previous general election had been contested on the new boundaries. Notional winner and notional vote share are used to derive the party gain / hold and change in vote share information, respectively, at the subsequent general election.
has domain
General electionc
has range

Majoritydp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/election/majority

is defined by
The difference between the number of valid votes cast for the winning candidate and the number of valid votes cast for the second-placed candidate.
has domain
has range

Ordinalitydp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/election/ordinality

is defined by
The ordinality of a general election in a boundary set. For example: the 2010 general election is the first general election in the England boundary set established in April 2010, and the second general election in the Scotland boundary set established in April 2005.
has domain
General election in boundary setc
has range

Recorded ondp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/election/recordedOn

is defined by
The date on which the size of an electorate was recorded.
has domain
has range

Recorded sizedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/election/recordedSize

is defined by
The number of people forming an electorate.
has domain
has range

Registered primary name last updated ondp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/election/registeredPrimaryNameLastUpdatedOn

is defined by
The date on which the primary name of the political party as registered with the Electoral Commission was last updated.
has domain
Political party registrationc
has range

Registration IDdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/election/registrationID

is defined by
The ID of a political party registration. For example: 'PP103' being the registration ID of the Alliance party in Northern Ireland starting on 25 February 1999.
has domain
Political party registrationc
has range

Result positiondp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/election/resultPosition

is defined by
The ordinal position of the result of a candidacy in an election, for example: 1st or 2nd, recorded as 1 or 2.
has domain
Candidacy resultc
has range

Result summarydp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/election/resultSummary

is defined by
Text summarising the result of an election in terms of a candidacy gaining or holding a constituency relative to a candidacy at the previous general election, the previous candidacy either being certified by the same party - discounting any adjunct certification, for example: 'Conservative gain from Labour Co-operative'; or being of a candidate standing for re-election as the House of Commons Speaker, for example: 'Speaker hold'; or being of a candidate standing for election as an independent and gaining the seat, for example: 'Independent gain from Labour'; or being of a candidate being re-elected as an independent having won the constituency as an independent at the previous general election, for example: 'Independent hold'. The result summary does not take account of intervening by-elections. Where a constituency's boundary has changed since the most recent general election, the result summary is based on notional results, being projected results of the previous general election if that election had taken place according to new boundaries.
has domain
has range
lang string

Rounddp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/election/round

is defined by
The ordinal position of the round in an election having more than one round of voting, for example: 1st or 2nd, recorded as 1 or 2.
has domain
has range

Valid vote countdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/election/validVoteCount

is defined by
The number of votes cast in an election excluding any declared invalid by the Returning Officer.
has domain
has range

Vote changedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/election/voteChange

is defined by
The change in the vote share recorded for a candidacy in an election compared to the vote share for a candidacy in the same constituency at the previous general election, the previous candidacy either being certified by the same party - discounting any adjunct certification - or being of a candidate standing for re-election as the House of Commons Speaker, or being of the same person standing for re-election as an independent. The calculation of vote change does not take account of intervening by-elections. Where a constituency's boundary has changed since the last general election, the vote change figure is based on notional results, being projected results of the previous general election if that election had taken place according to new boundaries.
has domain
Candidacy resultc
has range

Vote countdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/election/voteCount

is defined by
The number of valid votes recorded for a candidacy.
has domain
Candidacy resultc
has range

Vote sharedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/election/voteShare

is defined by
The calculated share of a vote won in an election by a candidacy as a proportion of the total valid votes. For example: Alex Baker receiving approximately 40.7% of the vote in the constituency of Aldershot in the 2019 general election.
has domain
Candidacy resultc
has range

Writ issued ondp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/election/writIssuedOn

is defined by
The date on which the writ was issued for an election. For an election held as part of a general election, this is the date of dissolution of the preceding Parliament.
has domain
has range

Namespace Declarations back to ToC


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