
2021 - Week 15

Jianhan suspected that a bug in the orchestration code from the Search and Indexing triple store to the Solr instance was causing the petitions import to hang. He created a new version, on his own machine, using an updated version of the dotNetRDF library. The import ran successfully. He’s now replaced the import code on the server with code using the new library which is running smoothly.

Jayne and Michael have added labels to non-business steps on the logical made affirmative map and made a start on entering the data. The Commons side, the clocks, the conclusions and about half the Lords side are done. More next week.

Jayne, Robert and Michael have made changes to both the procedure editor database schema and the procedure model to take account of new thinking on step collections. They’re now fairly clear on what that work entails and hope to do it soon after the logical procedure map work goes live.

Robert and Michael have continued to refactor and comment the procedure parsing code.

Ned and Michael have made a plan to add a sample set of data from John Sainty’s peerage listing to their peerage application.

Anya, Robert, Silver and Michael met with Wannes from the United Nations to chat more about domain modelling, persisting data, exposing and expressing data and what they think web design should be.