Business steps may form part of a step collection.
A step collection may relate to a single procedure, for example: the House of Commons public bill third reading step collection is related to the public bill procedure.
A step collection may relate to a single House, for example: the House of Commons public bill third reading step collection is related to the House of Commons.
Step collections are used to group business steps, for example:
A set of steps from which the procedure starts. This collection is used by the procedure parsing code to determine the set of steps from which to start parsing.
A set of steps by which the procedure concludes. Concluded work packages are those with a business item actualising a step in this collection.
A set of website visible steps. This collection is used to determine which actualised business steps should display on a work package timeline page.
A set of Member action steps. This collection is used to identify steps where a Member may take action, for example: table a motion.
Capturing step collection membership reduces the hardcoding of step IDs across applications.
The following queries show a list of business items that belong to each step collection in the data: