Time period ontology

See also:

Table of Contents

  1. Classes
  2. Object Properties
  3. Data Properties
  4. Namespace Declarations


Adjournment dayc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/time-period/AdjournmentDay

is defined by
A day on which a House is adjourned, for example: a 'non-sitting Friday', a day on a weekend, a Bank Holiday. Adjournment days are determined by each House separately.
has super-classes
Temporal thingc
is in domain of
Adjournment day in Houseop, Adjournment day in sessionop, Grouped asop, Is Bill Office tabling daydp, Is Table Office tabling daydp, Is printing daydp

Dissolution periodc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/time-period/DissolutionPeriod

is defined by
The period during which Parliament is dissolved. During this time no parliamentary business can take place. From the time of dissolution until the returning of a result for a constituency in a general election, that constituency has no Member sitting in the House of Commons. Winners returned for a constituency in a general election are Members from the time of being returned, even if Parliament is dissolved. Members of the House of Lords retain their memberships during a dissolution period. A dissolution period applies to both Houses. A proclamation to dissolve Parliament is made under a prerogative power of the Crown.
has super-classes
Temporal thingc
is in domain of
Dissolution period in kingdomop
is in range of
Post-election dissolution period in dissolution periodop, Pre-election dissolution period in dissolution periodop

Government administration periodc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/time-period/GovernmentAdministrationPeriod

is defined by
A period of a single government, under a single Prime Minister, bounded by general elections, for example: Thatcher administration 1979-1983, Thatcher administration 1983-1987, Thatcher administration 1987-1990.
has super-classes
Temporal thingc

Housec back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/time-period/House

is defined by
A parliamentary House, for example: the House of Lords.
has super-classes
Temporal thingc
is in range of
Adjournment day in Houseop, Parliamentary sitting day in Houseop, Recess in Houseop

Kingdomc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/time-period/Kingdom

is defined by
A Kingdom is a period of time between the establishment of a Kingdom and the disestablishment of that Kingdom, for example: the United Kingdom existing from 1st January 1801.
has super-classes
Temporal thingc
is in range of
Dissolution period in kingdomop, Parliament period in kingdomop, Reign inop

Monarchc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/time-period/Monarch

is defined by
A person reigning within a kingdom.
has super-classes
Temporal thingc
is in range of
Regnal year of monarchop, Reign ofop

Parliament periodc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/time-period/ParliamentPeriod

is defined by
The time period of a single Parliament between the date of its first assembly after a general election and its dissolution. A Parliament period contains contiguous session and prorogation periods. During a parliament period Parliament is either in session or prorogued. The start date of a Parliament may be changed by subsequent proclamations. A Parliament ends at the next dissolution. While the Fixed-term Parliaments Act 2011 was in force, the date of dissolution was determined by that Act or was named in a proclamation following a vote in Parliament for an early general election. The next Parliament began on the date named in the proclamation issued following a dissolution. Before the Fixed-term Parliaments Act 2011 came into force and after that Act was repealed by the Dissolution and Calling of Parliament Act 2022, the date of dissolution is fixed by proclamation. The dissolution proclamation also names the date for Parliament to reassemble. Parliament periods are the same across both Houses. Parliaments are numbered ordinally from the first Parliament of the United Kingdom, sitting in 1801.
has super-classes
Temporal thingc
is in domain of
Parliament period in kingdomop
is in range of
Prorogation in Parliament periodop, Session in Parliament periodop

Parliamentary sitting dayc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/time-period/ParliamentarySittingDay

is defined by
A day during which a House considers business. Sitting days are determined by each House separately. A sitting day can continue beyond midnight to include more than one calendar day. A sitting day is called by the date of the calendar day on which the sitting day begins. In legislation, one sitting day is considered as one calendar day, except in the case of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018, Schedule 7 paragraph 17(11), which follows parliamentary practice.
has super-classes
Temporal thingc
is in domain of
Has parliamentary sitting day typeop, Parliamentary sitting day in Houseop, Parliamentary sitting day in sessionop

Parliamentary sitting day typec back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/time-period/ParliamentarySittingDayType

is defined by
A parliamentary sitting day has a type of sitting day, or virtual sitting day. A sitting day in a House is a day with Members being quorate in the Chamber of that House and in the presence of the Mace. The Mace signifies the authority of the Monarch, as a component part of Parliament. A virtual sitting day in a House is a day with a quorum of Members attending remotely, without the presence of the Mace. During a virtual sitting day, a House can conduct a debate but cannot put a question for decision. Questions cannot be put to the House when sitting virtually.
is in range of
Has parliamentary sitting day typeop

Post-election dissolution periodc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/time-period/PostElectionDissolutionPeriod

is defined by
The period between the results of all constituency elections being announced and the next Parliament period. During this period, successful candidates are Members even though Parliament is dissolved.
has super-classes
Temporal thingc
is in domain of
Post-election dissolution period in dissolution periodop

Pre-election dissolution periodc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/time-period/PreElectionDissolutionPeriod

is defined by
The period between the end of a Parliament period and the results of all constituency elections being announced. During this time there are no Members of the House of Commons.
has super-classes
Temporal thingc
is in domain of
Pre-election dissolution period in dissolution periodop

Premiership periodc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/time-period/PremiershipPeriod

is defined by
A continuous period of government under a single Prime Minister, spanning general elections, for example: Thatcher administration 1979-1990.
has super-classes
Temporal thingc

Prorogation periodc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/time-period/ProrogationPeriod

is defined by
The time period between a prorogation and either dissolution or the start of the subsequent session. A prorogation period is within a Parliament period. The House does not sit during a prorogation period, nor do committees. Under House of Commons public standing orders 158 and 159 and House of Lords public standing orders 69 and 70, certain statutory instruments and command papers may be laid during a prorogation period.
has super-classes
Temporal thingc
is in domain of
Prorogation in Parliament periodop

Recessc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/time-period/Recess

is defined by
A grouping of adjournment days in a House, given a name.
has super-classes
Temporal thingc
is in domain of
Recess in Houseop
is in range of
Grouped asop

Regnal yearc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/time-period/RegnalYear

is defined by
A year within a reign. The first regnal year of a reign begins on the date of accession of a monarch. Subsequent regnal years begin on the anniversary of accession. Regnal years last for one calendar year, or until the end of the reign, whichever is soonest.
has super-classes
Temporal thingc
is in domain of
Regnal year of monarchop
is in range of
Belongs to regnal yearop

Reignc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/time-period/Reign

is defined by
A period of time during which a monarch has a reign in a kingdom.
has super-classes
Temporal thingc
is in domain of
Reign inop, Reign ofop

Sessionc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/time-period/Session

is defined by
A period during which Parliament is able to conduct business on days of its choosing. A session is within a Parliament period. The first session of a Parliament begins on the same day as the Parliament period and ends on a day named in a subsequent prorogation proclamation. Subsequent sessions within the Parliament period begin and end on dates named in subsequent prorogation proclamations. The final session of a Parliament ends either with prorogation followed by dissolution or with dissolution. Session periods are the same for both Houses.
has super-classes
Temporal thingc
is in domain of
Session in Parliament periodop
is in range of
Adjournment day in sessionop, Belongs to sessionop, Parliamentary sitting day in sessionop

Session in regnal yearc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/time-period/SessionInRegnalYear

is defined by
A mapping between a session and a regnal year, allowing for a session to span more than one regnal year and a regnal year to span more than one session. Sessions are named for the regnal year or regnal years in which the session occurs. The session name is formed of: the regnal year or years, the monarch and the session number, if the regnal year spans more than one session. Until the passing of the Acts of Parliament Numbering and Citation Act 1962, Acts of Parliament gaining Royal Assent during a session were cited as a chapter number in a session.
is in domain of
Belongs to regnal yearop, Belongs to sessionop, Regnal year order in sessiondp, Session order in regnal yeardp

Temporal thingc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/time-period/TemporalThing

is defined by
An interval between two points in time, having a name.
has sub-classes
Adjournment dayc, Dissolution periodc, Government administration periodc, Housec, Kingdomc, Monarchc, Parliament periodc, Parliamentary sitting dayc, Post-election dissolution periodc, Pre-election dissolution periodc, Premiership periodc, Prorogation periodc, Recessc, Regnal yearc, Reignc, Sessionc

Object Properties

Adjournment day in Houseop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/time-period/adjournmentDayInHouse

is defined by
Relates an adjournment day to the House in which that adjournment day takes place.
has domain
Adjournment dayc
has range

Adjournment day in sessionop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/time-period/adjournmentDayInSession

is defined by
Relates an adjournment day to the session in which that adjournment day takes place.
has domain
Adjournment dayc
has range

Belongs to regnal yearop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/time-period/belongsToRegnalYear

is defined by
Relates a 'session in regnal year' to its regnal year. A 'session in regnal year' belongs to one regnal year.

Belongs to sessionop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/time-period/belongToSession

is defined by
Relates a 'session in regnal year' to its session. A 'session in regnal year' belongs to one session.
has domain
Session in regnal yearc
has range

Dissolution period in kingdomop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/time-period/dissolutionPeriodInKingdom

is defined by
Relates a dissolution period to the kingdom in which that dissolution period takes place.
has domain
Dissolution periodc
has range

Grouped asop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/time-period/groupedAs

is defined by
Relates an adjournment day to the recess into which it is grouped.
has domain
Adjournment dayc
has range

Has parliamentary sitting day typeop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/time-period/hasParliamentarySittingDayType

is defined by
Relates a parliamentary sitting day to its type.

Parliament period in kingdomop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/time-period/parliamentPeriodInKingdom

is defined by
Relates a Parliament period to the kingdom in which that Parliament period takes place.
has domain
Parliament periodc
has range

Parliamentary sitting day in Houseop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/time-period/parliamentarySittingDayInHouse

is defined by
Relates a parliamentary sitting day to the House in which that parliamentary sitting day takes place.
has domain
Parliamentary sitting dayc
has range

Parliamentary sitting day in sessionop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/time-period/parliamentarySittingDayInSession

is defined by
Relates a parliamentary sitting day to the session in which that parliamentary sitting day takes place.

Post-election dissolution period in dissolution periodop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/time-period/postElectionDissolutionPeriodInDissolutionPeriod

is defined by
Relates a post-election dissolution period to the dissolution period of which that post-election dissolution period is part.

Pre-election dissolution period in dissolution periodop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/time-period/preElectionDissolutionPeriodInDissolutionPeriod

is defined by
Relates a pre-election dissolution period to the dissolution period of which that pre-election dissolution period is part.

Prorogation in Parliament periodop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/time-period/prorogationInParliamentPeriod

is defined by
Relates a prorogation period to the Parliament period in which that prorogation period takes place.

Recess in Houseop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/time-period/recessInHouse

is defined by
Relates a recess to the House that is in recess. A recess is in one House.
has domain
has range

Regnal year of monarchop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/time-period/regnalYearOfMonarch

is defined by
Relates a regnal year to the monarch for which that regnal year is named. A monarch may have more than one reign. Regnal years are reckoned from the start date of the earliest reign of that monarch. Regnal years are reckoned up to the end date of the final reign of that monarch, or up to today for a current monarch. For example: George III having three reigns - Ireland (25 October 1760 - 1 January 1801), Great Britain (25 October 1760 - 1 January 1801) and United Kingdom (1 January 1801 - 29 January 1820) - his regnal years start with year 1 on 25 October 1760 and increment each year on 25 October, and end with year 60 at his death on 29 January 1820.
has domain
Regnal yearc
has range

Reign inop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/time-period/reignIn

is defined by
Relates a reign to a kingdom the reign is in. A reign has one kingdom. A kingdom may have more than one reign over time, but only one reign at one time.
has domain
has range

Reign ofop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/time-period/reignOf

is defined by
Relates a reign to a monarch during that reign. The reign of William and Mary is considered as a joint reign. A monarch may have more than one reign in more than one kingdom, for example: the reigns of George III in Great Britain, in Ireland and later in the United Kingdom.
has domain
has range

Session in Parliament periodop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/time-period/sessionInParliamentPeriod

is defined by
Relates a session to the Parliament period in which that session takes place.
has domain
has range
Parliament periodc

Data Properties

Is Bill Office tabling daydp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/time-period/isBillOfficeTablingDay

is defined by
Used to record if a day is a Bill Office tabling day, being an adjournment day on which a Member of a House may give notice of an amendment, new clause or new schedule to a Bill.
has domain
Adjournment dayc
has range

Is printing daydp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/time-period/isPrintingDay

is defined by
Used to record if a day is a printing day, being a day in the House of Commons on which notices of questions, motions and amendments to motions received since the most recent sitting day are published. A printing day is the final weekday of a recess, unless that day is a bank holiday.
has domain
Adjournment dayc
has range

Is Table Office tabling daydp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/time-period/isTableOfficeTablingDay

is defined by
Used to record if a day is a Table Office tabling day, being an adjournment day on which a Member of a House may give notice of a question, motion or amendment to a motion to the Table Office of that House.
has domain
Adjournment dayc
has range

Regnal year order in sessiondp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/time-period/regnalYearOrderInSession

is defined by
The ordinality of a regnal year within a session, for example: the session of the United Kingdom Parliament spanning the fifth and sixth regnal years of the reign of William IV.
has domain
Session in regnal yearc
has range

Session order in regnal yeardp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://parliament.uk/ontologies/time-period/sessionOrderInRegnalYear

is defined by
The ordinality of a session within a regnal year, for example: the second session of the 24th regnal year in the reign of George III.
has domain
Session in regnal yearc
has range

Namespace Declarations back to ToC


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