
Sprint 11

Hello, I’m Fred, a product manager working on beta.parliament.uk. At the end of each sprint I’m going to write an update about what the outputs team have done and what we have learned.

We’re in the beta phase of research briefings. Helping people access information so they can better understand topics and debates in Parliament.

If you’d like to read about another team, Alan writes up sprint notes for the people team.

What we’ve done

What we’ve learned

Michael has been domain modelling with some people in the House of Commons Library. They’ve started the model for publishing research briefings and other documents but it still needs to be checked with people from the House of Lords Library and POST. Getting this done is key to getting research on beta. If it doesn’t exist in the data service it doesn’t exist on the website.

Guide to Procedure has been absorbed into the Outputs strand of work and it’s going to have a knock-on effect on our roadmap. There are some gaps in how the content has been structured, with some collection pages being twisted into pseudo-articles but without all the right elements. Guide to Procedure works well for users, but it has moved away from the grander single unified website vision. This could cause problems later. (Future sprintnotes will have more information on this when we have learned more about it.)

Our roadmap is going to swell to absorb this piece of work in modelling the different content types, and thinking about how that applies to the rest of the website as well. It could help other teams who currently link back to the current website by creating some structure for how we publish things on the website.