
Sprint 52

Hello, this is Alan, a content designer working on beta.parliament.uk. At the end of each sprint I will provide an update of the work the members team have done and what we have learned in the process.

The team’s current focus:

Make written questions and answers easy to find, easy to comprehend and a trusted source for re-use.

What we’ve done

We welcomed new arrivals to the members team:

Change is the only constant.

Then we set to work:

Other things members of the team did

Random things we’ve learned or have been reading:

More Sprintnotes

Fred continues his strong start to ‘sprintnotes’ with more updates from the outputs team.

Huge thank you

I need to close my first edition of Sprintnotes with a thank you to Jake for his fast and thorough assistance with the technical aspects of this edition. Without his help it wouldn’t have happened - so thank you, Jake!