
Sprint 57

Hello, this is Alan, a content designer working on beta.parliament.uk. At the end of each sprint I will provide an update of the work the members/people team have done and what we learned in the process.

The team’s current focus:

Make written questions and answers easy to find, easy to comprehend and a trusted source for re-use.


Last sprint felt very productive, with significant progress made on several fronts. This sprint, due to wider team commitments (detailed below), inevitably suffered by comparison.

The team still managed to move forward, especially in preparing for our next discovery phase.

What we’ve done


Design and content




Wider team work




Even wider team work

Victor and Marttiina travelled to Newcastle for GDS Service Design training, which will immediately benefit the team during our upcoming contact work.

Victor contributed to a workshop at the PDS hosted International Design in Government Conference, including people from Canada, Australia and Taiwan – it was a relief to find we all face similar challenges.

Naz facilitated a session about analysts and data science at a cross-government performance analyst conference.

What we have planned

Bryony left. The team have been inconsolable. They marked the occasion in the only way they knew how: karaoke!

Bryony's karaoke

Other teams

If you’re interested to read about the work of other teams, you can read sprint notes from:

You can also follow regular updates from the people team’s former product manager, Colin Pattinson, in his current role as product manager as the Department of Health and Social Care.